Oxford University Press Anti-Bribery and Fraud Standards
We are committed to carrying out business to the highest standards of integrity and in accordance with relevant legislation.
We have zero tolerance of bribery and fraud, and believe the fight against bribery and fraud is in the broader interest of business and civil society.
We do not offer, promise, give, request, agree to receive or accept bribes for any purpose, and take appropriate action to prevent bribery in Oxford University Press (OUP). We do not make unlawful facilitation payments.
We take appropriate action to prevent all forms of fraud within OUP.
We expect third parties acting on behalf of OUP not to commit bribery or fraud; we have appropriate measures to prevent them from taking part in bribery or fraud on our behalf: and we take appropriate action should we discover that they are involved in bribery or fraud on our behalf.
Any hospitality or gifts we offer or receive relating in any way to our business are always for proper business purposes, reasonable, appropriate and in accordance with properly approved policies.
We do not make political donations; and any charitable donations we make comply with properly authorised policy.
We require those employees who suspect bribery and fraud to report such instances internally, and provide channels for them to do this.
We appropriately investigate all suspected instances of bribery and fraud.
Where bribery and fraud are shown to have occurred, we take firm action, including, potentially, dismissal and legal action.
OUP seeks to understand the risk of bribery and fraud in various contexts; implements policies and procedures to support these standards in view of this understanding of risk; advises, informs and/or trains its people appropriately concerning relevant standards, policies and procedures.
OUP has appointed a Group Compliance Officer, and Divisional Compliance Officers, to oversee the implementation of these Standards and supporting policies, provide advice as necessary, and monitor and report upon breaches of policy, and the general application of policy.